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Wow 9.0 download

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Undead cloaks will now be as tattered as the forsaken wearing them.Developers’ note: We’re generally happy with how the changes to Venthyr in the 9.0.2 landed, but wanted to offer some additional help for players using Nightblades to fill out their compositions.Venthyr Nightblade attack increased by 25%.Developers’ note: A few Night Fae Covenant Companions were not as well established in their different roles as we hoped, to address this we’ve improved many abilities and decreased some Companions’ overall fragility.Lloth’wellyn health increased by 33% and ability damage increased by 25%.Duskleaf health increased by 20% and spell effectiveness increased by 25%.Yira’liya health increased by 16% and spell effectiveness increased by 50%.Blisswing’s damage reduction now correctly applies to enemies.Qadarin spell effectiveness increased by 24%.Additionally, a few companions have received an improvement that fits with their purpose.

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  • Developers’ note: We fixed a few issues where some Necrolord Covenant Companions weren’t dealing damage reliably.
  • Rattlebag spell effectiveness increased by 20%.
  • Assembler Xertora spell effectiveness increased by 10%.
  • Rencissa the Dynamo spell effectiveness increased by 40%.
  • Maldraxxus Plaguesinger’s Plague Song has been redesigned – Plague Song now deals damage to ranged enemies every round.
  • Fixed an issue where Bonesmith Heirmir Serrated Shoulder Blades weren’t inflicting damage back to the enemy.
  • Developers’ note: Phalanxes still feel underpowered relative to Halberdiers, so giving them some additional durability to allow them to fill the tank role before players have maxed out their roster.
  • Kyrian Phalanx health increased by 16%.

  • Wow 9.0 download